All Two Blues Podcast Episodes

Tricky Health Topics / 008

In this podcast, Rohan and Will discus public health topics focussing on vaccines and health screening. We explore firstly what they are and why they are important, and then why they are sometimes not as popular as you’d expect. There’s a broader tangent into why people might not listen to medical science, education system issues and conspiracy theories. There’s also a brief discussion about civil liberties and understanding how, for people who do lack the education, being wary of things they don’t understand isn’t unsensible.

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Different-Universities-Different-Folk 007

Differents Universities, Different Folks / 007

In this podcast, we tackle a bit about the different kinds of universities in the UK. Rohan’s preference for city universities, and my preference for campus universities means we were both looking for very different things when applying and we discuss what it was that made us pick that way, how things turned out, and if we’d do things differently in hindsight.

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Debating Animal Testing / 006

In this episode, Rohan and Will discuss the science and arguments around animal testing. They explore the philosophical side of things, like how do we define an animal and where do people’s comforts start and end in this context. We also go through the scientific side of things – how much has testing contributed to science and how regulated the process is nowadays.

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Dissertation Chat / 005

Your dissertation can be an optional, but often required (and huge) part of your degree. How do you pick your topic? How do you get the most out of it? All of this answered, and more!

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Why Bother With Oxbridge / 001

The inaugural episode of the Two Blues Podcast! To kick things off, Rohan and Will discuss “why bother” with an Oxbridge application at all – after all, it’s a pretty gruelling process at times!

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